Safety, Health, and Well-being

COVID-19 preventive measures

Cases of COVID-19 continue to appear in Jeddah.

Persons who currently have, or have had COVID-19 symptoms in the last three days, MUST NOT attend the Annual Meetings in person.

Persons with confirmed COVID-19 infection should not attend the Annual Meetings in person for at least five days after symptom onset and at least three days without symptoms or ten days after a positive test if they do not have symptoms.

The IsDB has implemented substantial measures to ensure the safety of all participants attending the Annual Meetings, including ventilation in the meeting areas to avoid airborne transmission, regular cleaning and disinfection, provision of hand gel dispensers near meeting entrances, etc.

To protect yourself and others from infection, you are advised to respect physical distancing of at least 1 meter, wear a mask when distancing cannot be maintained, avoid crowded and poorly ventilated areas, regularly wash your hands with soap and water or use hand gel, and cough into a bent elbow or tissue when you do not wear a mask.

Wearing masks is strongly recommended in gathering areas and corridors, especially on the way to meetings, restaurants, etc.

Although the current COVID-19 variants generally cause mild disease in most individuals, delegates aged 60 and above and those with underlying medical conditions putting them at higher risk of severe COVID-19 should consider wearing a highly protective well-fitted mask (FPP2/N95 or higher) when distancing cannot be maintained.

First aid

The Islamic Development Bank is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all participants at the Annual Meetings. We request participants to report any potential health or safety hazards to the Annual Meetings Secretariat.
The IsDB Medical clinic is available for medical advice and assistance.
To reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, we request delegates to come to the clinic alone if possible and to wear a mask while in there.
Delegates with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 infection must NOT go to the clinic for advice but must wear a mask and return immediately to their home/hotel and report it to the medical facility available in the official hotel.


The IsDB does not provide participants with any insurance coverage for accidents or illnesses while journeying to or from Jeddah or during the period of the Annual Meetings. It is, therefore, essential that all participants ensure that they have adequate medical and accident insurance coverage before traveling to Jeddah. Full medical services, both general and specialist, are available in Jeddah, but delegates are reminded to bring sufficient supplies of their usual medication.